Thursday, July 15, 2004

Attack Imminent. Target Italy ?

Aaron, (no last name for obvious reason), has a weblog named Internet Haganah. (Haganah means defense). He has been "Confronting the Global Jihad:" and seems to be successful at it. He has been under attack by the jihadis and had his web site taken down by hackers. That rankled the blogosphere, even the folks that didn't agree with him. As a result, he was offered more storage space and bandwidth than he can use. He now has mirror sites all over the world. Aaron is constantly under death threats but keeps on blogging. He has been instrumental in closing down over one hundred jihadi websites. He's good at what he's doing.
Aaron seems to have a finger on the pulse of the jihadis and today he posted an article of an imminent threat to Italy. Italy should be paying attention.
---Larry Everett

We're detecting discussion/postings in the Qaida-linked forums suggesting that a signal has just been given for an attack, and that the target *may be* Italy. Interested parties should contact me directly for more info.

This is not a drill.

UPDATE 09:23 CDT (GMT -5):

For some time now Internet Haganah, in cooperation with another counter-terrorism organization that specializes in monitoring discussions on Arabic-language forums known to be popular with Al Qaida operatives, has been actively involved in examining such forums for signs of 'command and control', i.e. that the forums may from time to time be used to pass along orders to field operatives.

One active participant in these forums is widely recognized as a source of credible information that originates with people in the leadership circles of various Al Qaida franchises and affiliates. This individual is not known to post information that is off-topic or old. This individual is suspected of ties to acts of Islamic terrorism going back over a decade. This individual is suspected of having previously given "the signal" for terrorist attacks to occur.

Early this morning this individual posted an old speech from bin Laden on a Jihadist forum. This is not normal behavior for this person. He added the comment: "a day we shall never forget"

This is also not normal behavior, nor was it apropos to what he had posted, and in light of the suspicions regarding the man's role in "triggering" previous attacks, we take these comments and behaviors as a bad sign."

[Read The Whole Thing]


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