Friday, July 30, 2004

Sandy Bergers Stuffed Pants

Sandy Berger, President Clintons National Security Advisor and a John Kerry campaign advisor slated for a top State Department post, was recently discovered to have removed top secret documents from The National Archives. The list of security breaches, their consequences, and the legal ramifications, has been exhaustively covered over at Winds of Change.Follow the link and see for yourself what is posted all over the blogosphere yet not covered honestly or in depth by the Main Stream Media(MSM).
The opening paragraph of the link rich offering :
"The Blogosphere has heavily covered Sandy Berger's security breach of the National Archives, and the many angles that the mainstream media and particularly the Washington Post and New York Times have avoided. Yet for all that there are no real evaluations of:

1. How badly the National Archives screwed up the security of code letter secret documents;
2. How badly the system of notification of security breaches was abused; and
3. How badly Sandy Berger screwed over American national security. Cell phones are not secure, and Berger's security breach using a cell phone from a secure document vault is the kind of thing that could result in tens of thousands of preventable American civilian deaths if my worst fears bear out.

None of these issues are trivial - and unfortunately, the scenario for #3 isn't a big stretch."
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[Read the Whole Thing
---Larry Everett


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