Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Open Letter to Senator John McCain

Another general officer(Marines)that doesn't have anything good to say about John Kerry in a letter critical of John McCain's support of him. John McCain has since changed his stance regarding John Kerry. In the case that anyone thinks this is a hit piece on John McCain, it's not. I have much respect for John McCain as a person, a military man, and a politician.
You can read the Bio of Lt. General John Hudson, USMC(Ret.)here. This is an excerpt of his bio :
"Returning to the United States in December 1964, he reported to the 3d Marine Aircraft Wing in El Toro, California, for duty as Aviation Safety Officer of Marine Aircraft Group 33, a billet he held for the next year and a half. During this period, he was promoted to major in November 1965, then assigned briefly as Executive Officer then as Commanding Officer of VMFA-122, until February 1967, when he was reassigned as the S-4 Officer of MAG-33.

Ordered to Vietnam in November 1967, he spent tours as the Executive Officer, MABS-13; Executive Officer, VMFA-115; and Commanding Officer, VMFA-115; before being ordered back to Cherry Point, as G-3 Training Officer, 2d Marine Aircraft Wing. For his combat service in Vietnam, Major Hudson was awarded a Bronze Star Medal with Combat ā€œVā€; and 25 Air Medals."
---Larry Everett

Open Letter to Sen McCain--LtGen John Hudson, USMC (Ret.)
30 March2004

Senator McCain,

I am very disappointed in your statement yesterday (March 18th) that Senator Kerry is not weak on defense issues. Senator Kerry has voted against just about every major new weapons system, voted against most military pay raises, voted against the building of new housing for our troops and their families, voted to reduce spending for intelligence efforts. As far back as 1994 Senator Kerry voted to practically "gut" defense and spending for intelligence. At that time he was taken to task by his fellow Democrats, Senators Inouye, Byrd and DiConcini: but you say he is not weak on defense issues. Will you please tell me who, in the U.S. Senate, has a worse voting record regarding defense, support for our service personnel and support for our national intelligence than Senator Kerry?

Senator McCain, I have not always agreed with you, but I have stuck with you I have been proud to be able to refer to you as a friend. I have carried your petitions and have defended your sometimes questionable positions and have voted for you on every occasion. Four years ago I supported you financially to the maximum allowed by law at that time, and caused others to do the same not only from Arizona, but from states like New York, Missouri!, Kentucky and Florida as well. You know that, Senator.

Now, Senator, I have no idea what you are doing or why. It seems to me that you have become so drawn by the magnetism of being a "newsworthy" individual that you now more enjoy being the maverick who will be interviewed and photographed than in working for the good of our country. I hoped you had gotten over your disappointment of four years ago that you were in New Hampshire several weeks ago to really support our President and not just for your own "photo ops", but that obviously is not the case. I was shocked last week when it was reported that you would "consider" an offer to be Senator Kerry's running mate. But I was devastated yesterday at your defending the defense voting record of Senator Kerry. Once again I ask you, Senator; please tell me which Senator has a more dismal record on defense or intelligence.

You say that you decry the vicious nature of the current presidential campaign. Why, Senator, did you wait to state your distaste for such a campaign until President Bush began firing back after 8 continuous months of nasty, personal attacks by Senator Kerry and his Democrat rivals? How should President Bush have responded to attacks on his record of service in the National Guard, his being accused of being a liar to get us into war with Iraq, accused of sending young Americans to die for his own personal reasons, and all the other ridiculous things that could be said? President Bush released his service medical records: do you know, Senator, how many days of duty Senator Kerry lost while collecting three Purple Hearts and a Silver Star -- in four months?? Senator, I share your distaste for nasty political campaigns and wish candidates for the highest office in th! e land could rise above that level. But it is not to be unexpected to answer such accusations in the manner -- somewhat restrained in my view -- that President Bush has done.

Senator McCain, I will always hold you in the highest esteem for the great sacrifices you made for our nation. That service remains undiminished in my view. But I can no longer support you for any public office or service. Your petitions were already on my clipboard, but now they will go in my shredder. I am disappointed that you still call yourself "...a Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt Republican..." as I heard you say yesterday, because you shame the Party. The greatest disappointment though, Senator, is that your reckless statements now become a threat to the security of our Country. I can think of no greater harm to our nation at this crucial time than to have a shameless charlatan like John Kerry to be elected president. Unfortunately, Senator McCain, the Democrats are correct in referring to you as their favorite Republican: you could do no better job for them nor ! worse for our country.

John I. Hudson Lieutenant General U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)"


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