Eminent Domain - Imminent Disaster
Evan Coyne Maloney at Brain-Terminal points to an article at Free-Market News Network titled, EMINENT DOMAIN BUYBACK MORE COSTLY.
Here's the short version :
a)The Caffe Appassionato in Seattle, Washington had it's property confiscated by the city to make way for a mono-rail extension they had planned.
b)Seattle confiscates the property of Talki Hong Lee, the owner who immigrated from Korea.
c)The city paid Mr. Talki $600,000 for the property.
d)The mono-rail extension plans go belly up.
e)Seattle want to sell the property back to Mr. Talki but the value has increased $70,000 in the year the city owned it, so the city wants more than they paid for it.
This is how we do things here. Welcome to America Mr. Talki.
---Larry Everett
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