Saturday, July 22, 2006

United Nations Help Terrorist Abduct Israelis

David Kopel has a post up at The Volokh Conspiracy detailing the complicity and/or help in the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. He also points out the "well-established record of collaboration with Hezbollah in the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers". The United Nations isn't the solution to the worlds problems. They are a large part of the problem.
The United States donates billions of dollars to this distructive (dis)organization that, in return, trashes everything this country stands for. I think we should relocate Turtle Bay to another country where they will be more comfortable with their anti-Americanism. Belgium is one suggestion. France, another. Saudi Arabia would be even better.
Siberia, Russia would be my choice. If they want to stay in the United States, Amchitka Island, at the West end of the Aleutians would be O.K. with me.
Let another country have the thousands of buffoons that come here with their anti-American agenda and who do not have to follow the laws of this country. I'm sure the U.N. staff will be happier with the freedoms offered in another country.
I have posted here only the opening paragraphs of Kopel post. There are more details in the article
After Hezbollah's kidnapping of a pair of Israeli soldiers spurred an Israeli counter-attack, many critics of Israel actions have suggested that the United Nations can serve as a buffer between Israel and Hezbollah. To the contrary, the United Nations has a well-established record of collaboration with Hezbollah in the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has been deployed since 1978, not long after Israel first entered Lebanon in pursuit of PLO terrorists. UNIFIL was created pursuant to Security Council Resolution 425, for the purpose of "confirming the withdrawal of Israeli forces, restoring international peace and security and assisting the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area." Quite obviously UNFIL has utterly failed to achieve the Security Council's objectives, either before or after Israel's 2000 complete withdrawal from Lebanon. One reason is that UNIFIL does not interdict Hezbollah attacks on Israel. Instead, UNIFIL allows Hezbollah to set up positions next to UNFIL units, in effect using UNIFIL as human shields against Israeli counterstrikes. (Aluf Benn, Israel accuses UN of collaborating with Hezbollah," Haaretz, Sept. 11, 2005.)

UNIFIL's most notorious collaboration with terrorists involved the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli soldiers, and the subsequent cover-up...
Read the Whole Thing
---Larry Everett


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