Sunday, July 23, 2006

Terrorists, A Wildcat, and a Stick

Hezbollah, after having their collective asses handed to them, have decided to negotiate with the Israelis for the kidnapped Israeli soldiers, mediated by Lebanon. Hezbollah has destroyed Lebanon with their terrorism and now want to draw the country into a conflict they have caused by their proxy war, staged from bases in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah negotiated through Germany for the first Israeli prisoner swap. We can see how well that went.

The terrorists didn't expect the response they got from the Israelis. Israel, after decades of their citizens being blown up, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered, after decades of having missles, loaded with shrapnel, being shot at them indiscriminately, after having everyone on their borders declare openly and often they want the Jooos eradicated, they have responded. Unlike the pullback in 1983 that left the terrorists in place and able to declare a victory, this time the terrorists are in a fight for their lives. They didn't expect what is happening right now. Israel fighting back with gusto.

The Israelis pulled out of Gaza and got shot in the ass for their effort. They pulled out of the West Bank and got shot in the ass. They pulled out of Golan and got shot in the ass. They pulled out of southern Lebanon and ... well, you know the rest. Nothing has changed.

This time, the terrorists are getting what they have worked very hard for. A regional war that no-one wins.

I think one of the morals to this story is this :

One shouldn't poke a big cat in the ass with a stick
---Larry Everett.


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