Sometimes We Need to Fight
We've been at war with islamo-fascism since the seventh century. They were finally stopped at the gates of Vienna in 1683.
Gates of Vienna
The world would be like Saudi Arabia if they weren't.
Islamo-fascists are exploding all over the world and the pacifists are telling us we need to understand the root cause. After all, all cultures are equal.
The Christians had to go through the enlightenment before a relative peace could be achieved. Islam needs to have its' own enlightenment but it's not going to happen this century. They have fourteen-hundred years of culture and Koranic indoctrination to overcome. It's not going to be easy and a lot of people are going to die. Appeasement and/or surrender is not an option. We're in it for the long haul.
On Tuesday, 11 September 2001, eight and a half years after bombing the World Trade Center killing six and injuring 1042, the islamists finally dropped the towers right on top of the monument built in memory of the people who died in the 1993 bombing.
Great Dreams
On Thursday, 12 October 2000, The U.S.S. Cole was bombed. Seventeen young lives were taken while docked at the port of Yemen to take on fuel.
Photo Page:
Allisons Heart
On Friday morning, 8 August 1998 at 10:30 AM local Kenyan time, (03:30 EST), bombs ripped through American Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Approximately 220 people died and 5000 injured.
The Marines first hand account :
The U.S. Embassy bombing and the American response :
Institute for Counter-Terrorism
On 25 June 1996, islamo-fascists bombed the Khobar Towers at Dharan, Saudi Arabia. Nineteen dead and over 500 U.S. wounded.
On 26 February 1993, at 12:17 PM, Islamists bombed the World Trade Center the first time. Six dead, 1042 injured.
On 23 October 1983 Islamists bombed the U.S. contingent of the Multinational Force compound at Beirut International Airport. They took out over a company of Marines. 241 dead.
The left wing moonbats are trying to tell me that fighting back only makes things worse. We did nothing for almost ten years and that certainly didn't help.
Surrender is better ? I don't think so. I'm not going to invite a mass murderer or a serial killer into my home. I'm old enough to remember Tojo, Hitler, and Stalin. What would this world be like if we hadn't fought back ? For one thing, the ovens at Auchwitz, and many other places, would still be running at full bore. When they were through with the Jews and the mentally deficient I'm sure they would have found other "undesirables".
There is no need to bring politics into the discussion of why we fight. The mass graves found in Iraq is enough. We don't need another reason nor is there a better one. To see what I mean, click on this link and be prepared to puke.
Iraqi Mass Graves
"Never Forget !" seems to have been all but forgotten.
---Larry Everett
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