Stolen Honor
A hat-tip to the InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds for posting this remarkable link.
Carlton Sherwood began filming a documentary titled "Stolen Honor" before the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth began their project. The film is the testimonials of Viet Nam veterans and former P.O.W.'s of that conflict explaining the damage that was done to them by the words and actions of John F. Kerry while he was still an officer in the United States Navy. Samples of that film feature:
Ralph Gaither
Vietnam POW: 7 yrs, 3 mos, 23 days
US Navy
Entered 1962- Discharge 1986
2 silver Stars
General Robinson Risner
Vietnam POW: 7 yrs, 6 mos (9/16/65 to 02/12/73)
US Air Force
Entered 1943- Discharge 1973
James Warner
Vietnam POW
The films are, and should be, damning and damaging to John Kerry. I cannot describe the feeling I had while watching these testimonials. Revulsion comes close but doesn't nearly cover it. John Kerry shouldn't be in the White House. He should be in the Big House for sedition. He was an officer in the U.S. Navy when he met with North Vietnamese officials in Paris, France in 1971.
I cannot stress enough that the views of these people who were there needs to get national coverage. Please, view the films. Stolen Honor
---Larry Everett
Some excerpts from the page :
HARRISBURG, PA (8/25/2004) - Even before the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth aired their first commercial, independent journalist Carlton Sherwood's company Red, White and Blue Productions was busy planning a documentary featuring the views of former Vietnam POWs on what John Kerry's actions did to them.
As a Vietnam veteran with relationships with many former POWs, Carlton remembers that when John Kerry returned from Vietnam his words and deeds caused severe pain that's never been forgotten.
Now and through the coming weeks, Americans will hear a still yet untold story. The story of men held captive while a former colleague betrays them. To get a feel for the documentary, view our latest samples.
"Stolen Honor" is produced by Red, White and Blue Productions, Inc., an independent producer of documentaries based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Carlton Sherwood, president of Red, White and Blue Productions is a life-long newspaper and TV investigative reporter. As a Pulitzer Prize and Peabody Award winner, Sherwood has investigated John Kerry's behavior during the Vietnam era and how as a leader of the anti-war movement it impacted America POWs. In addition to his investigation, Sherwood has first hand memories of Vietnam as a decorated, thrice-wounded, former Marine who served on Vietnam's DMZ. Sherwood also covered the anti-war movement as a journalist.