Sunday, April 30, 2006

Muslims Want It All

Muslims that have emigrated to Eurabia demand the european countries change their laws to reflect the culture and Sharia Law of the muslims.
Divine Salamis BBS is a Swedish Billboard. The writer, MKSheppard, says the translator can't give his/her name because of a real risk of being put in jail. They don't have the freedom of speech we in the U.S. enjoy.
The writer put much effort into this translation and asked that it be distributed by anyone who wants to. It's a long one but well worth the read.
This is happening in every country in Europe and some parts of the United States and Canada. Comming soon to a town near you if we don't wake up and smell the coffee.
The lede :
Found this translation and accompanying note on the internet:

I was first made aware of this item when I read Update on the Swedish Muslims’ Demands it has a link to this the list in Swedish since many people don't speak Swedish I've translated it for your benefit.

Due to certain Swedish laws and attitudes I'd rather be anonymous, so I've asked a handful of people to spread this translation. I am presenting this translation without any comments whatsoever, you can make up your own mind:

"An open letter to all Swedish political parties that are participating in this years election.


If we are to succeed in engaging Swedish muslims so that they will participate in the election in September 2006, we should take note of the following demands and wishes from the Muslim minority in Sweden.

I have not seen clear signals from all parties as to whether they'll accept such wishes. We want to see the most important demands as a part of the political programs. Otherwise there is the risk that the majority of the muslims will remain on their couches on election day.

Muslims are fed up with broken election promises, and therefore they wish concrete suggestions to show that we care. It won't hurt if our elected representatives or new candidates would set aside an hour to read our open letter that is sent to all established parties.

Kind regards

Mahmoud Aldebe"

Read The Whole Thing
---Larry Everett

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)

Today, Tuesday, April 25 is Yom HaShoah. Holocaust Day in Hebrew. It began last night.
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has a post reminding us of the Holocaust. When the barbarity perpetrated against the Jews, and others considered "undesirable" by the Nazis, was ended by the second World War, the world breathed a collective sigh of relief and said, "Never Again". "Never" seems to have a short time span. With the Islamisist openly advocating the distruction and complete annihilation of the Jews and Israel the world sighs, "Who Cares ?".
I care !
Pamela also cares. Stop by her place and catch up on a little history.
If you don't care the Jews are being hunted around the world, or, if you don't care if Christians are being killed for nothing other than being Christians, if you don't care that there is an open season on anyone who isn't muslim, there will be no-one left to care when they come for you.
Pamela has posted photographs from those days of darkness so be warned. They are graphic and disturbing. Using the street vernacular, they are enough to make you puke... and they should. THAT we will remember.
---Larry Everett