Which is Worse. Washington D.C. or Iraq ?
John Hinderaker, one of the guys at Powerline, has posted some interesting statistics on the casualties in Iraq.
...the violent death rate in Iraq is lower than that in a number of American cities, including Washington, D.C. And, while the terrorists have killed far too many innocent Iraqis, civilian deaths in Iraq from 2003 to the present are only one-sixth the civilian deaths in Iraq during the period from 1988 to 1991. (So much for being "better off under Saddam.")
Here's the money quote.
A total of 2,471 servicemembers have died in Iraq from 2003 to the present, a period of a little over three years. That total is almost exactly one third of the number of military personnel who died on active duty from 1980 to 1982, a comparable time period when no wars were being fought. Until very recently, our armed forces lost servicemen at a greater rate than we have experienced in Iraq, due solely to accidental death.
The article referenced is at How Bad is Iraq ?. Click the links here and give Powerline a read.
Gatewaypundit has much more on the same subject with charts and links. The article is here at So, How Bad Are Things in Iraq Really?. Drop by, follow the links, and don't forget to read the comments. In blogging, comments are where it's at. Much good information is offered by the commentors. Sometimes you have to wade through some garbage to get to the good stuff but, that's blogging.
Newsmax is a news service that can be a bit over the top on some things but I think this is a good article on the same subject.
"I began to ask myself the question, if you were a civilian in Iraq, how could you tolerate that level of violence," he said. "What really is the level of violence?"
Using Pentagon statistics cross-checked with independent research, King (Rep. Steve King, R-IA - Larry) said he came up with an annualized Iraqi civilian death rate of 27.51 per 100,000.
While that number sounds high - astonishingly, the Iowa Republican discovered that it's significantly lower than a number of major American cities, including the nation's capital.
"It's 45 violent deaths per 100,000 in Washington, D.C.," King told Crowley (Monica Crowley of Westwood one radio - Larry).
Other American cities with higher violent civilian death rates than Iraq include:
# Detroit - 41.8 per 100,000
# Baltimore - 37.7 per 100,000
# Atlanta - 34.9 per 100,000
# St. Louis - 31.4 per 100,000
The American city with the highest civilian death rate was New Orleans before Katrina - with a staggering 53.1 deaths per 100,000 - almost twice the death rate in Iraq.
The whole article is Iraq Less Violent than Washington, D.C.. Just click on the link.
---Larry Everett