Charles Johnson, the proprietor of
Little Green Footballs has posted a disturbing article about Borders Books hiding, destroying, or otherwise making unavailable, books the union doesn't agree with politically. He has linked to a discussion by union members on how to avoid selling certain books they don't like. This, to me, is the equivalent of book burning. If you feel the same way, let your views be known to
Borders Union or a local Borders bookstore if you have one. If organizations are "burning" books you don't like, it won't be long before someone will be "burning" books you do like. Censorship is not, and shouldn't be, a part of this great country we call America. History, from the burning of the library at Alexandria, Egypt to "Crystalnacht," the "Night of the Shattered Glass" in Nazi Germany, to the state of the moslem world today, should have taught us that suppressing dissenting views is dangerous, deadly, and, counterproductive to a free society.
Charles opines, and I agree, this page is to hot for Borders to leave up and will disappear soon so he has posted a link to a Google cache that has retained the page. This is the link to that cache :
Neandertals in Fancy Suits. (Borders title, not mine)
If you don't like the message Borders is sending, PLEASE, let them know respectfully. No one listens to barking moonbats ranting and raving, except, maybe, other barking moonbats.
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Read the Whole Thing
---Larry Everett